How do Flight Suits Improve Safety?

How do Flight Suits Improve Safety?

In the 21st century, safety encompasses all aspects of everyday life. Safety is the hallmark of integrity in any business and the aviation industry is no exception. Due to their fire-resistant qualities, flight suits are often required for pilots with a higher accident risk. Nomex is a material commonly used for making high-quality flight suits.
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What Is DOI/USFA Certification?

What Is DOI/USFA Certification?

The DOI/USFA aviation helmet standards provide a way to allow helmets (other than military helmets) considered for acquisition. Manufacturers can test their helmets within certified laboratories and testing grounds to fit the DOI aviation helmet standards. Those helmets that meet or exceed the expectations of the testing and standards can be issued a certificate of compliance. After this these helmets will be identified by the manufacturer and model type on the OAS website up to 30 days after receiving their certificate.
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